Indoo Rules

LUSC Soccer Indoor Rules


All basic rules of play as described by FIFA, USSF and USYSA will be used at mcdermont x with adaptations and exceptions as noted.


The Field of Play at McDermont X (upper and lower field)

All Flooring is Field Turf.

The Ball

Two  game balls  will be supplied by each teams

- Under6-Size3

- Under7-Under9-Size4-Under11-Under13-Under16-Under18-Size 5


Uniform Policy:

All teams must have matching jerseys with numbers on it. They have to be the same design and colors with all players “excluding goalkeepers”.Teams must have matching color shorts as well. Goalkeepers must have a contrasting color than any other player on the field. By week 3 all teams must comply with the uniform policy if not the team will forfeit their games until they meet the uniform requirements. Away teams will have to switch jersey colors if the jerseys are the same color as the opponent(or must wear pinnies).


Reschedule Policy:

. Regular season schedules will be displayed, on a weekly biases to coaches or team managers. Playoffs will not be displayed until after all regular season games have been played. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RESCHEDULE ANY PLAYOFF GAMES. If you are wanting to reschedule a regular season game it will have to be agreed upon by both teams. There might be instance that a team must have to play doubleheader games. Teams must give 48hr notice to management team before game is rescheduled.


Playoff Structure:

Will be determined once each team has played each other once.


GoalKeeper Rules:

Goalkeepers is the only player on field that can slide, however must start the slide within the 3 point circle area. Once outside of the box the keepers will be considered field players, they will not be able to play on the ground, slide, or dive. GoalKeepers can only have the ball for 10 seconds in their hands, as soon as they place the ball down it will be live. If they keep the ball for longer than 10 seconds it will be turned over at the corner of the field for an indirect free kick to the other team. On goal kicks they are not allowed to dribble out of the box, if so it will also result in an indirect free kick on the corner of the box.


Teams & Rosters:

A match is played by two teams. The first team listed on the schedule shall be the home team. The team will not be able to add any roster changes or add any more players after week 3 for the remainder of season. If a non-roster player participates in a game after week 3, those games will be forfeited. In all leagues, no player will be allowed to play without an season pass from mcdermont x. Only players with rosters turned in sheet will be permitted in the coaches boxes. By week 3 rosters will be turned in and Childs picture will be taken for roster sharing (if needed)


Team Managers and Coaches who are on the roster card are permitted in the box bench area. Any roster issue must be brought forth by halftime. Failure to do so will have no effect on outcome.

Players on the Field:

Minimum number of players needed to start play for under10 through under13 will be  (7),  (6) field players and a goalie. Exceptions will be made only for under6 division. Rest of divisions must adhere to minimum players. For under16 and under18 minimum players will be (5), (4) field players and goalie.

Substitutions are allowed “on the fly” at any time. During substitutions the following conditions shall be observed: 1) The player leaving the field shall do so through the door at the bench. 2) The player entering the field shall also do so through the door at the bench but not until the player leaving the field is within two yards from the door. It may be deemed a “bad sub”player could be carded at the discretion of the referee. If sub not completed in a manner described above.

Changing the GoalKeeper (GK):

Any of the other players on a team may change places with the GK during a stoppage of play AND the referee must be informed before the change is made. GK’s must have a jersey or bib that distinguishes them from their opponent, and the referee.


A referee will be appointed to officiate each game at all levels and be provided by LUSC Soccer. Their decisions in the game shall be final and unquestionable and shall be extended to players, coaches and spectators. Referees have the discretionary authority to stop the game for any violation (at his/her opinion) and to suspend or terminate the game whenever. By reason of the elements, interference by spectators, or other cause, he/she deems necessary.

The referees shall: (a) control the clock, (b) keep an accurate account of the score and the player scoring, ( c ) supervise the timing of all penalties, and (d) turn in the game report to management with signature by the referee.

The Duration of the Game:

All matches will consist of two (2) twenty (23) minute “running time” halves with a five (1) minute break at half-time. No timeouts. With the only exception under6 division two (2) fifteen (15) minute “running time” halves with two (2) minute break each quarter.

Due to scheduling time constraints the clock will not be stopped for any reason except for injuries at the referees discretion. Or time is under one minute to avoid time wasting.

Start of Play:

The team listed first on the schedule will be considered the home team. The home team will kick off the ball.

Teams have 5 minutes after the start time to have at least 7 players on the field. If they do not have 7 players on the field then it will be a forfeit. Under6 division will only have on fly decision by management.

When there is a jersey color conflict the away team will have to change to bibs for the match. The bibs must be provided by coaches.

The ball may be kicked backwards only. Every player shall be on their own side of the field and the opposing team must be outside the center circle.

All kicks are Indirect Kicks. (Excluding PK’s). The teams must switch sides at half-time.

Ball in and Out of Play:

The ball is out of play when it touches any part of the netting above goal netting area. Goalkeeper will restart play with goal kick. Except corner kicks (all corner kicks will be indirect kicks) Balls hitting the side rail indirect kicks will be awarded closest to the out of bound.

The defending team shall stand at least  (6 feet) from the ball for all free kicks and kick-ins. The team with the ball, including the GK, shall have five (10) seconds to put the ball back into play once they are in possession of the ball. Failure to do so will result in the ball being turned over to the opposing team with an indirect free kick. If the GK does not play the ball in the (10) seconds the opposing team will be awarded an indirect free kick. Ball will be placed at corner kick.


Method of Scoring:


A goal is scored when the ball passes completely over the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar.

The team with the greatest number of goals shall be declared the winner. If at the end of play teams have the same number of goals the game shall be considered a draw.

The only time that this isn’t the case is playoffs.


There is no off-side rule in the league games at mcdermont x


Fouls and Misconduct:

Coaches that receive red card, team will forefiet game regardless of score.

Spectators and Team Parents that harass threaten any LUSC officials coach will receive yellow card. If the infraction persist coach will receive red card. REMINDER TO ALL COACHES: The team is a reflection of YOU!

Fighting: Will not be tolerated and if it occurs player(s) report will be turned into  Management for evaluation of length of suspension, fine, and/or permanent termination of league play privileges to participate in soccer at McDermont x. Any participant or guest who attempts to strike a player, referee, staff, spectator or joins a fight in progress will be punished by the full extent of the law. All games are recorded and will be turned into the Lindsay Police Department if deemed necessary.

Misconduct: Any inappropriate language or behavior deemed by LUSC Soccer Management can result in the same consequences. This includes disrespectful behavior and language to a player, coach, referee, staff, or spectator. We have a Zero Tolerance rule, this type of behavior can result in being asked to leave the facility and result in suspension.

An indirect free kick will be awarded if a player:

- Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent

- Trips of attempts to trip an opponent

- Jumps at an opponent

- Charges an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner

- Charges an opponent from behind

- Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent

- Holds an opponent

- Pushes an opponent

- Charges the goalkeeper while he/she possesses the ball in their hands

- Slides or slide tackles - any sort of slide by a field player whether going for the ball or

not, no matter if contact is made or not, is considered a slide. GK can slide to make saves as long as they are in the box sliding outside the box results in a foul


- Kicks the ball while on the ground (dangerous play)

- Obstructs an opponent with no attempt to play the ball

- When playing as a GK and within their own penalty area; the GK picks up the ball with

their hands when the ball is intentionally passed back to the GK by their own teammate.

- Slide tackle will be a yellow card.

- Knee on the ground could be considered a slide.

If any of the above is committed by a defending player within the penalty area, a PK should be awarded.

A Yellow Card, “two-minute penalty” can be awarded if a player:

When a player receives a yellow card, two-minute penalty: player will serve the two minutes in the bench area, and his/her team will play shorthanded for the two minutes. In the event of a goal by the opposing team, the team is no longer required to play short handed.

Persistently infringes the rules of the game

Shows by word or action, dissent with any decision by the referee Is being guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct

When a player receives a second yellow/red card: that player will no longer be able to play in the match. The team must play short-handed for five minutes and then can go back to full strength.

A Red Card will be awarded if a player:

Is guilty of a serious foul play

Is guilty of violent conduct

Uses foul or abusive language

Is guilty of a second yellow card offense




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